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    Calibre中文版源代码开放,拥有跨平台的设计,可在Linux,OS X和Windows操作系统中运行。





    Release: 6.8 [04 Nov, 2022]

    New features

    • Allow customizing the buttons available to the right of the search bar in the main calibre window via Preferences->Toolbars & menus->The buttons on the searchbar
    • Book details panel: Allow adjusting the space used by the cover with a splitter
    • Make splitter handles more visible in the calibre UI style
    • When sending by email to kindle dont include the author in the filename as amazon is currently reading the author from the file metadata but not the title

    Bug fixes

    • Book list: Fix incorrect rendering of yes/no icons when they are configured to have only two values
    • Nook driver: Send books to the NOOK folder for the 2021 Nook model as well

      Improve performance in very large libraries of various UI operations such as right clicking, marking books, etc.

    • Fix edit metadata dialog not remembering its position and improve how calibre restores window position and size on multi-monitor systems
    • Conversion: Fix CSS styles applied to SVG elements being discarded
    • EPUB Input: Fix empty adobe page number template file causing conversion to fail
    • E-book viewer: Fix rendering of comments in metadata display when using a dark color scheme
    • AZW3 Input: Fix svg images that use a prefix for the SVG namespace not being recognized
    • Edit book: Fix double clicking in the see what changed dialog not opening the file in the editor since calibre 6.0
    • Edit book: Fix modified indicator on images not working correctly when replacing the image
    • Amazon metadata download: Adapt the plugin for website changes

    New news sources

    • Fifty Two by unkn0wn
    • Bloomberg and Bloomberg Business Week by unkn0wn

    Improved news sources

    • Army and Navy Times
    • eenadu_ap
    • Handelsblatt


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    尚艺源码网 » Calibre (阅读&转换) v6.8.0 官方版


    本站所有资源版权均属于原作者所有,这里所提供资源均只能用于参考学习用,请勿直接商用。若由于商用引起版权纠纷,一切责任均由使用者承担。更多说明请参考 VIP介绍。
    最常见的情况是下载不完整: 可对比下载完压缩包的与网盘上的容量,若小于网盘提示的容量则是这个原因。这是浏览器下载的bug,建议用百度网盘软件或迅雷下载。 若排除这种情况,可在对应资源底部留言,或 联络我们.。


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