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    NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) 是适用于 Microsoft Windows 的免费开源屏幕阅读器。 它由 NV Access 与全球贡献者社区合作开发。 借助 NVDA 等工具,视力有问题的人使用计算机不再是问题。 该程序是一个免费的解决方案,旨在充当视障人士使用计算机的通用网关,而无需太多麻烦。要了解有关 NVDA 的更多信息,请访问主要的 NV Access 网站。



    NVDA 允许盲人和视力受损的人访问 Windows 操作系统和许多第三方应用程序并与之交互。
    内置语音合成器,支持 80 多种语言
    无需安装即可完全从 USB 闪存驱动器或其他便携式媒体运行
    翻译成 54 种语言
    支持现代 Windows 操作系统,包括 32 位和 64 位变体
    能够在 Windows 登录期间和安全屏幕上运行
    支持常见的可访问性界面,例如 Microsoft Active Accessibility、Java Access Bridge、IAccessible2 和 UI 自动化
    支持 Windows 命令提示符和控制台应用程序


    除了提供多种语言的消息和界面外,NVDA 还可以让用户阅读任何语言的内容,只要他们有一个可以说该语言的语音合成器。

    NVDA 与 eSpeak NG 捆绑在一起,这是一款免费的开源多语言语音合成器。有关 NVDA 支持的其他语音合成器的信息可以在支持的语音合成器部分找到。


    对于拥有可刷新盲文显示器的用户,NVDA 可以将其信息输出为盲文。 还支持通过盲文键盘进行非缩略和缩略盲文输入。 此外,NVDA 默认会自动检测许多盲文显示器。 有关支持的盲文显示器的信息,请参阅支持的盲文显示器部分。

    NVDA 支持多种语言的盲文代码,包括简写、非简写和计算机盲文代码。


    What’s new in NVDA 2022.3
    October 4, 2022
    New Features:
    In the Windows Console Host used by Command Prompt, PowerShell, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 11 version 22H2 (Sun Valley 2) and later:
    Vastly improved performance and stability. (#10964)
    When pressing control+f to find text, the review cursor position is updated to follow the found term. (#11172)
    Reporting of typed text that does not appear on-screen (such as passwords) is disabled by default. It can be re-enabled in NVDA’s advanced settings panel. (#11554)
    Text that has scrolled offscreen can be reviewed without scrolling the console window. (#12669)
    More detailed text formatting information is available. (microsoft/terminal PR 10336)
    A new Speech option has been added to read character descriptions after a delay. (#13509)
    A new Braille option has been added to determine if scrolling the display forward/back should interrupt speech. (#2124)
    eSpeak NG has been updated to 1.52-dev commit 9de65fcb. (#13295)
    Added languages:
    Totontepec Mixe
    When using UI Automation to access Microsoft Excel spreadsheet controls, NVDA is now able to report when a cell is merged. (#12843)
    Instead of reporting “has details” the purpose of details is included where possible, for example “has comment”. (#13649)
    The installation size of NVDA is now shown in Windows Programs and Feature section. (#13909)
    Bug Fixes:
    Adobe Acrobat / Reader 64 bit will no longer crash when reading a PDF document. (#12920)
    Note that the most up to date version of Adobe Acrobat / Reader is also required to avoid the crash.
    Font size measurements are now translatable in NVDA. (#13573)
    Ignore Java Access Bridge events where no window handle can be found for Java applications. This will improve performance for some Java applications including IntelliJ IDEA. (#13039)
    Announcement of selected cells for LibreOffice Calc is more efficient and no longer results in a Calc freeze when many cells are selected. (#13232)
    When running under a different user, Microsoft Edge is no longer inaccessible. (#13032)
    When rate boost is off, eSpeak’s rate does not drop anymore between rates 99% and 100%. (#13876)
    Fix bug which allowed 2 Input Gestures dialogs to open. (#13854)
    Changes for Developers:
    Updated Comtypes to version 1.1.11. (#12953)
    In builds of Windows Console (conhost.exe) with an NVDA API level of 2 (FORMATTED) or greater, such as those included with Windows 11 version 22H2 (Sun Valley 2), UI Automation is now used by default. (#10964)
    This can be overridden by changing the “Windows Console support” setting in NVDA’s advanced settings panel.
    To find your Windows Console’s NVDA API level, set “Windows Console support” to “UIA when available”, then check the NVDA+F1 log opened from a running Windows Console instance.
    The Chromium virtual buffer is now loaded even when the document object has the MSAA STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY exposed via IA2. (#13306)
    A config spec type featureFlag has been created for use with experimental features in NVDA. See devDocs/featureFlag.md for more information. (#13859)


    by CLAM



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