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    Notepad3是一款体积小巧且运行快速的记事本文本编辑器,与系统默认记事本具备相同资源消耗,但提供了更多的实用功能,如代码高亮、编码转换、行号显示、多步 Ctrl+Z、增强的查找替换等等,其功能可以完美的取代系统自带的记事本。支持winxp、win7、win8和win10操作系统。



    Notepad3 具有以下功能:
    代码折叠、括号匹配、自动缩进、单词自动完成、在各种格式(ASCII、UTF-8 和 UTF-16)之间转换字符编码、换行符格式转换(在 DOS(CR/LF)、Unix(LF)和 Macintosh(CR)格式之间),多重撤消或重做、书签和基于正则表达式的查找和替换。

    Notepad3 几乎可处理任何编程工作,支持下面的编程语言列表:
    Apache、ASP、Assembly、AutoHotkey、AutoIt3、AviSynth、Awk、Bash、BAT、C、C++、C#、CGI、CMake、CoffeeScript、CSS、CSV、D、DIFF、Go、HTML、NF、INI、Inno Setup、Java、JavaScript、JSON、LaTeX、Lua、Makefiles、Markdown、MATLAB、Nim、NSIS、Pascal、Perl、PHP、PowerShell、Python、REG、Resource、R-S-SPlus Statistics、Ruby、Rust、Shell、SQL、Tcl、TOML、VB、VBScript、VHDL、XHTML、XML、YAML 和改进了对 NFO ANSI 的支持。


    • Add Configuration (Properties) Lexer: add style setting for Key (of Key-Value pair).
    • Add “Notepad3 Replacement” on Windows 11 Insider Preview which works almost like with Windows 10:
      • Open (ext: .inf, .ini, .log, .ps1, .psd1, .psm1, .scp, .txt, .wtx, .compositefont, .css, .sct, .wsc).
      • Edit (ext: .bat, .cmd, .jse, .reg, .text, .vbe, .wsf).
    • Configure other application to open hyperlink (instead of default browser).
    • File URL forced to open in new window by (Ctrl+Alt+Click).
    • File change notification, if removed current file is recreated.
    • Allow definition of line number for file:/// URL (separator is ‘:’ ).
    • File change notification Dlg: add “Indicator (silent) option.
    • Configurable File on disk Change/Deleted indicators for title bar.
    • “grepWinNP3” (current grepWin dev) allow multiple search paths (GRE).
    • Add “KiXtart” lexer (new in Lexilla) (LEX).
    • Integrating style theme “Sombra” as factory default Dark-Mode theme.
    • Add “Julia” lexer (new in Lexilla) (LEX).
    • Base64 Encoding/Decoding.
    • Custom ChooseColor resource definition.
    • Prepare Application Manifest for to grant Identity for non-package desktop apps.
    • Add file/dir exists/not-found to hyperlink tooltip (if file-url).
    • Support Scintilla’s new feature: indicator stroke width.
    • TXT file for Translators to communicate Line Numbers of the “Added/Modified” strings.
    • Code Color for the “Change date” of the “Added/Modified” strings to translate”.
    • More intermediate font weight constants added.
    • Remove useless font stretch handling.
    • Add font weights retina(450), semi-light(350) and extra-black(950).
    • Line Comment Add/Remove commands, additional to existing Toggle.
    • Cut lines for rectangular and multi selection.
    • Use ‘Ctrl+’ key to force dropping files into new instance (Ctrl+ for new instance).
    • ScintillaWin horizontal mouse-wheel support.
    • Provide Mono-Language IDs.
    • Mono-Language compiler switch for MiniPath.
    • Compiler switch to allow Mono-language binary (no MUI DLL loading).
    • Exclusive Lock (write) Mode shown in windows title.
    • Menu item for excusive File Locking (write, shared read).
    • Decorator styling for Python files.
    • Exclusive File Lock option.
    • About Dlg: version info for split-off Lexilla component.
    • About Dlg: Copy-Ver-Info-Btn: add Dark-Mode information.
    • Some filesystem path vs. file:// URL helpers (backslash invert).
    • Converter: File-System Path to URL and vice versa.


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    尚艺源码网 » 文本编辑器(Notepad3)5.21.905.1中文精简绿色便携版


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