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    WinRAR是一款强大的压缩文件管理器,它提供了RAR和ZIP文件的完整支持,能解压ARJ、CAB、LZH、ACE、TAR、GZ、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO格式文件。WinRAR 从 4.20开始更好地利用了多处理器核心,不过为了加快压缩速度增加了内存占用。另外,RAR常规解压算法的速度稍有提高,恢复卷的创建和处理可以使用多个CPU核心来获得更高的处理速度。



    Version 6.20 beta 1

    1. If “Autodetect passwords” option in “Organizer passwords” dialog
    is enabled and password matching a processing archive is present
    among saved passwords, it is applied automatically. This option
    is applicable only for archives in RAR 5.0 and ZIP formats,
    which allow to verify the password validity quickly.

    There is a minor chance of incorrect password detection
    for ZIP archives if stored passwords do not include a proper one.
    If encrypted ZIP archive extraction fails, you can try to disable
    this option, repeat extraction and enter a valid password manually.

    2. If extraction command involves only a part of files in RAR archive,
    the additional archive analysis is performed when starting extraction.
    It helps to properly unpack file references even if reference source
    is not selected. It works for most of RAR archives except for volumes
    on multiple removable media and archives containing a very large
    number of references.

    Also in some cases such analysis may help to optimize the amount
    of processing data when extracting individual files from
    semi-solid archives created with -s<N> and -se switches.

    3. “Save original archive name and time” option on “Options” page
    of archiving dialog allows to save the original archive name
    and creation time. If archive includes such saved name and time,
    they are displayed on “Info” page of “Show information” command
    and can be restored on “Options” page of same command.
    Restoring involves renaming an archive to original name and setting
    the saved time as the archive creation and modification time.

    Switch -ams or just -am together with archive modification commands
    can be used to save the archive name and time in the command line mode.
    These saved parameters are displayed in header of “l” and “v” commands
    output and can be restored with -amr switch combined with “ch” command,
    such as “rar ch -amr arc.rar”. If -amr is specified, “ch” ignores
    other archive modification switches.

    4. Faster RAR5 compression of poorly compressible data on modern CPUs
    with 8 or more execution threads. This applies to all methods
    except “Fastest”, which performance remains the same.

    5. “Repair” command efficiency is improved for shuffled data blocks
    in recovery record protected RAR5 archives.

    6. If file size has grown after archiving when creating non-solid
    RAR volumes, such file is stored without compression regardless of
    volume number, provided that file isn’t split between volumes.
    Previously it worked only for files in the first volume.

    7. Added decompression of .zipx archives containing file references,
    provided that both reference source and target are selected
    and reference source precedes the target inside of archive.

    Typically, if .zipx archive includes file references, it is necessary
    to unpack the entire archive to extract references successfully.

    8. Added decompression of .zst long range mode archives with dictionary
    exceeding 128 MB. Previously it was possible to decompress them only
    if dictionary was 128 MB or less.

    9. If “Turn PC off”, “Hibernate”, “Sleep” or “Restart PC” archiving
    options are enabled in WinRAR, a prompt to confirm or cancel
    such power management action is displayed directly before starting it.
    If no selection was made by user for 30 seconds, the proposed action
    is confirmed and started automatically.

    This prompt is also displayed for -ioff switch in WinRAR command line,
    but not in console RAR command line.

    10. Context menu in WinRAR file list provides “Open in internal viewer”
    command for archive files. It can be helpful if you wish to view
    the archive raw data in internal viewer. For example, to read
    an email archive with UUE attachments included.

    Usual “View” command always displays the archive contents.
    If file is recognized as UUE archive, “View” would show UUE attachments.

    11. Recovery record size is displayed on “Archive” page of file properties
    invoked from Explorer context menu for archives in RAR5 format.
    Previously there was only “Present” instead of exact size
    for RAR5 archives.

    12. When archiving from stdin with -si switch, RAR displays the current
    amount of read bytes as the progress indicator.

    13. If wrong password is specified when adding files to encrypted
    solid RAR5 archive, a password will be requested again.
    Previous versions cancelled archiving in this case.

    14. If both options “Test archived files” and “Clear attribute “Archive”
    after compressing” or their command line -t -ac equivalents are
    enabled when archiving, “Archive” attribute will be cleared only
    if test was completed successfully. Previously it was cleared even
    when test reported errors.

    15. NoDrives value containing the bit mask to hide drives can be now
    read from “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\Policy” Registry key,
    which allows to include it to winrar.ini if necessary.
    Its “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies” locations
    in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE are also supported.

    Previously only “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies”
    in HKEY_CURRENT_USER was recognized.

    16. Bugs fixed:

    a) archive modification commands could fail for some ZIP archives
    with file comments;

    b) fixed a memory leak when reading contents of .tar.bz2 archives;

    c) if source and resulting archive format is the same, the archive
    conversion command didn’t set the original archive time
    to a newly created archive even if “Original archive time” option
    was selected in archiving parameters;

    d) if “Merge volumes contents” option in “Settings/File list” was
    turned on, the folder packed size in WinRAR file list could be
    less than expected when browsing a multivolume archive contents.
    It didn’t include the packed size of file parts continuing from
    previous volume into calculation;

    e) even if “Set file security” extraction option was turned off
    by default, extraction commands in Explorer context menu still
    attempted to restore NTFS file security data.


    * 以英文版做为母版 + 周明波版官方简体中文升级, 并做了部分修改
    * 集成 Real key,安装后即是注册版
    * 无视文件锁定 (可编辑锁定的 RAR 文件, 方便修改注释、添加或删除文件!)
    * 汉化命令行版本 RAR.EXE 和 UnRAR.exe
    * 修改资源管理器右键查看 RAR 注释字体为宋体9号
    * 感谢:D4llower (美化)、shuax、Black Hawk (技术支持)





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