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    LazPaint是一款由阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯知名自由软件开发达人Leandro Diaz基于自由、跨平台的可视化开发集成环境Lazarus与使用 Free Pascal 编译器并采用开发者本人自行设计的BGRABitmap代码库精心制作与荣誉出品的完全免费开源且功能齐全的自带许多实用工具和过滤器的图像及照片编辑器,支持图层和颜色面板的绘图工具与丰富的滤镜效果及渲染效果等只有 Photoshop 这般级别的PS 应用程序才会有的图形化功能。它还可以执行诸如调整图像大小、翻转/旋转和裁剪图像等标准操作,至于高级操作又如无像素缩放即智能缩放与复杂的色彩控制等。

    LazPaint支持多种图像文件格式,包括 SVG,RAW 图像,以及 PDN(由 paint.net 生成的图像文件格式)和 WebP 等等。其良好的跨平台特性使得开发者不辞劳苦地贡献了适用于苹果 MacOS 和自由 Linux 平台的客户端版本。



    • 文件 – 读取和写入各种文件格式,包括分层位图和 3D 文件;
    • 工具 – 可以在图层上使用许多工具进行绘制操作;
    • 编辑/选择 – 使用抗锯齿功能选择图像的一部分,并将选择内容修改为蒙版;
    • 视图 – 颜色窗口,图层堆栈窗口和工具箱窗口;
    • 命令行 – 支持从控制台调用LazPaint;
    • 程序 – 良好的可跨平台特性,所见即所得的即视感;
    • 界面 – 支持多国语言(含中/英文)用户操作界面;


    What’s new in LazPaint 7.2.2
    August 23, 2022
    completed Czech translation
    compilation fixes for Debian and legacy LCL
    Linux shortcut: specify file parameter
    Changes in 7.2.1:
    adapt quick save shortcut on MacOS
    translations : German, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, Spanish
    added “-screenshot” command line
    libavif dll
    multi click on text (#266)
    fix in Python scripting (dialog.py)
    added “-editor” parameter
    Changes in 7.2:
    MacOS: handle right-click on layerstack
    MacOS: fixed light theme interface
    MacOS: avoid key binding conflict with CMD-H
    interface: handle cancel language or icon size change
    interface: restore main form after embedded editor
    interface: restore selection tool after delete
    interface: fix shift-arrows in file list
    interface: handle right click on switch color button
    interface: remember docked toolbox visibility
    interface: center on zoom fit
    interface: less margin to select outside of color circle
    interface: tooltip on arrow start/end
    interface: show hotkey in toolbar
    interface: update workspace when resizing/rotating
    interface: handle keys in embedded editors
    interface: prevent ALT key from opening menu
    interface: handle ALT-wheel only when applicable
    interface: keep fill options visible when changing opacity
    layer stack: tooltip for visible and opacity controls
    blend mode: removed horizontal scrollbar in blend mode lists
    language: tool shortcuts for Cyrillic keyboard
    language: translation of color description
    language: completed Russian translation
    file: prevent saving incorrect filename
    file: handle path in file textbox
    file: generate new filename with number
    file: added quick save action (Ctlr-Q shortcut)
    file: overwrite prompt when saving palette
    file: experimental support for AVIF format
    file: show save prompt when drag’n’drop image to the program
    file: save CUR and ICO with command line
    SVG: close path when export as SVG
    SVG: fixed RTL text export
    new file: better handling of ratios
    motion blur: fixed sticky mouse click
    canvas size: restrict percent to max accepted size
    tools: update shape when pressing/releasing SHIFT key
    tools: ignore 0 alpha with solid colors
    tools: improved hints timing
    tools: disambiguation of shortcut keys (Y, K, F and R)
    deformation grid tool: handle extreme deformation
    dformation grid tool: ESCAPE to exit tool
    layer perspective tool: change cursor when hovering points
    layer tools: delete current layer with DELETE key
    rectangle tool: fixed bug when changing join type
    text tool: update when change antialiasing
    text tool: provide text style, bidi mode, vertical alignment in toolbar
    text tool: allow travel mode with space
    text tool: display flipped text
    vector tools: avoid error after rasterizing
    polygon/closed curve tools: hide center point when ALT key pressed
    polyline/opened curve tool: don’t reopen shape
    poly tools: added RIGHT-click hint
    selection tools: deselect when ESCAPE pressed and selection layer empty
    selection tools: keep selection mode after undo/redo
    rectangle selection tool: include ratio of current image
    selection pen: show circular cursor
    filter: added negative angle for twirl
    script: ignore some Python errors


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    尚艺源码网 » 功能齐全/免费开源图像、照片编辑器 LazPaint v7.2.2


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