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    OBS Studio是一款深受欢迎的视频直播录制软件,跟经典版的区别就是,音频分路简单,在不出错的情况下性能优于经典版。OBS Studio本身内置了一些常用的插件,如窗口捕获、视频捕获设备、文本、图像、媒体源等。



    什么是 OBS? OBS 的完整名称是:OBS Studio。OBS Studio 是一款开源免费可以直接视频直播的软件,该软件与网站中的直播软件不一样,他是一款国外的互联网流媒体直播软件,其直播的构架模式采用开源的方式进行录制,常常用在游戏直播中,软件支持串流、音频、视频等设置,能够让用户可以自由选择自己的直播模式,您可以选择让人们看到指定的视频展现模式,可操作性非常丰富,对于不同的朋友设计了具体的直播方案,充分考虑到了所有类型的直播,操作起来也是比较方便的,可以设置多个场景,方便用户随时切换。


    28.1.2 Hotfix Changes

    • Fixed a Browser Source crash that could happen under certain circumstances [WizardCM]
    • Fixed “Always on Top” not saving on exit [notr1ch]

    28.1.1 Hotfix Changes

    • Fixed NVENC preset not being migrated properly in simple output mode [RytoEX]
    • Fixed the inability to start the encoder when NVENC is set to a bframe count higher than is supported by the device [RytoEX]

    28.1 Changes

    • Added NVENC AV1 hardware encoder on Windows [Jim]
      • Currently only works with the NV12 (OBS default) and P010 color formats
      • Currently does not support the “rescale” feature in advanced output mode
      • Only available for RTX 40 Series video cards from NVIDIA
    • Updated NVENC presets [Jim]
      • Presets have been split into 3 different settings: Preset, Tuning, and Multipass mode
      • Presets are now P1-P7, lower numbers being lower quality, higher numbers being higher quality. Note that higher presets may incur higher GPU usage which could impact the performance of games running simultaneously with OBS. The number of simultaneous NVENC encoding sessions may be lower when using the highest presets. OBS will automatically map your current NVENC settings to the closest preset when upgrading.
      • Tuning is used to determine whether to prioritize latency or quality. It has three settings: High Quality, Low Latency, and Ultra Low Latency.
      • Multipass Mode is used to determine whether a second pass is used in encoding, and has three settings: Disabled, Quarter Resolution, and Full Resolution. Enabling this will give higher quality at the cost of more GPU resource usage.
    • Fixed a bug where Direct3D 9 games stopped capturing properly with game capture on Windows 11 22H2 [Rodney]
    • Moved “Always on Top” to the View menu [gxalpha]
    • You can now select a specific source for the Virtual Camera [chippydip]
    • Fixed a crash on resolution change of Windows Virtual Camera [Jim]
    • Fixed a Discord crash with Windows Virtual Camera [Jim]
    • Fixed crashes with macOS applications loading the virtual camera [PatTheMav]
    • Fixed Steam version launching x86_64 version on Apple Silicon devices [Rodney]
    • Fixed Stats widget appearance issues [tytan652]
    • Fixed Blend Method in Studio Mode [rcdrone]
    • Fixed case where video capture is darkened when both luma wipe and scale filtering are set [rcdrone]


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    尚艺源码网 » OBS Studio (直播工具) v28.1.2 官方版


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