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    Netsetman 可以设置计算机ip地址、子网掩码、默认网关、dns、计算机名、dns 域、工作组、wins、打印机等。除此之外还可以支持运行script(例如:bat、cmd、vbs等等)。使用netsetman 预先设置好一切之后,便可以针对不同的网络环境,用最快的速度,迅速的帮我们更改所需的网络参数值。




    5.1.0 – 2022-02-05
    – Windows 11 compatibility (21H2 build 22000)
    – NEW: WPA3 and 802.11ax support for WiFi6 networks and profiles
    – NEW: Unicode support for WiFi SSIDs (displaying, creating, connecting)
    – NEW: Optional monochrome/outline style for tray icon (-> Preferences/Tray)
    – NEW: “Refresh” item at the end of the network adapters list
    – Fix: Performance issue in Windows 11 after accessing TrayInfo
    – Fix: No more writing to settings file during shutdown to prevent rare data loss
    – Fix: Connecting to a WiFi network with Error 87 in very rare cases
    – Fix: Incomplete information for WiFi setting during profile activation
    – Fix: Firewall notification and exceptions settings
    – Fix: Automatic High-DPI scaling of icons in TrayMenu
    – Fix: High-DPI scaling for profile tabs was incorrect in certain constellations
    – Fix: Tray icon resolution with multiple monitors with different DPI settings
    – Fix: StrongestSignalSwitch option with more than one wireless network adapter
    – In TrayInfo the MAC address now also includes the original value if it was modified
    – The Retry option on the activation dialog is now integrated in the split-button
    – Improved compatibility with certain types of virtual and external network adapters
    – Improved upgrade from version 4.x by ignoring empty profiles
    – Improved compatibility of VLAN-ID for different types of network adapters
    – Improved file dialogs with High-DPI support and other optimizations
    – Reduced file size by 10%
    – Lots of minor fixes and adjustments


    by Soda120
    * 解锁专业版、免授权,绿色免安装


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    尚艺源码网 » 网络切换工具NetSetMan Pro v5.1.1 破解版


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