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    Microsoft Activation Scripts,简称MAS,Microsoft激活脚本,集合HWID/KMS38/在线KMS激活Microsoft产品,这款批处理版KMS激活脚本最大特色是代码开源,小巧不报毒。三种激活方式分别 :HWID数字许可证永久激活、KMS38激活至2038年、在线KMS激活180天,支持Windows、Office所有版本激活。



    HWID – Windows 10 – 本地永久激活
    KMS38 – Windows 10 / Windows Server -本地激活2038年
    KMS – Windows / Server / Office -在线激活180天,可选续期

    Digital License(HWID) / KMS38:
    • Windows 10 Core (N) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 CoreCountrySpecific (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 CoreSingleLanguage (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 Education (N) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 Enterprise (N) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 EnterpriseS (N) (LTSB 2015) (Digital License)
    • Windows 10 EnterpriseS (N) (LTSB 2016) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 EnterpriseS (N) (LTSC 2019) (KMS38)
    • Windows 10 Professional (N) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 ProfessionalEducation (N) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 ProfessionalWorkstation (N) (Digital License/KMS38)
    • Windows 10 ServerStandard (Core) (KMS38)
    • Windows 10 ServerDatacenter (Core) (KMS38)
    • Windows 10 ServerSolution (Core) (KMS38)
    Online KMS:
    • Windows 7 (Pro/Enterprise/Embedded)
    • Windows 8/8.1/10
    • Windows Server 2008R2/2012/2012R2/2016/2019
    • Microsoft Office (VL) 2010/2013/2016/2019



    • Gatherosstate.exe is replaced byuniversal tickets. Thanks to@ave9858(Alex).
    • Legacy HWID methods are now preserved in another repoMAS-Legacy-Methods.
    • HWID key is added for Windows 11 IoTEnterpriseSK edition.
    • To avoid errors due to unsupported Windows region, HWID script will change it to US and revert it back.
    • HWID script will delete an IdentityCRL registry key to resolve issues caused by changed hardware ID. Thanks to@awuctl.
    • KMS38 script will now apply the KMS38 protection by default. Powershell code for it is now simplified.
    • ClipUp.exe for Server CorAcor editions is removed from separate files version as well. Users will need to followthisto KMS38 activate them.
    • Scripts will enable Windows Script Host if it’s disabled.
    • More checks are added to find the cause of activation failure.

    Online KMS:

    • Script is updated as per abbodi1406 KVA v48 (Major change: optional behavior to override Office C2R vNext license (subscription or lifetime) or its residue (which may prevent proper KMS activation).
    • Scripts will enable Windows Script Host if it’s disabled.
    • More checks are added to find the cause of activation failure.

    Activation Troubleshoot:

    • Added more options: Rebuild WMI Repository, Fix issues Caused By Gaming Spoofers, Fix issues Caused By KB971033 In Windows 7, Export Event Viewer Logs.

    Change Windows Edition:

    • Support for Windows 7/8//8.1 and their server equivalent editions are added and an alternative method is added for Windows 10/11 and their server equivalent. Thanks to Gamers Against Weed forCBS Upgrade method.

    Check Activation Status WMI:

    • Thanks to@abbodi1406for fixing a cosmeticissuein Office vNext Status (vNextDiag.ps1).

    MAS AIO:

    • Command lineswitchesare added for unattended mode. It can be utilized in Powershell One-Liner code to execute it as well.
    • Exit and Go Back options are set to 0 key in all the cases.


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